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Security Policy

Shopping in the iraq.zendiamond.com virtual store is safe and easy at the same time!

Until your order is delivered to you by the shipping company, iraq.zendiamond.com is under the responsibility and assurance.

The security of shopping at iraq.zendiamond.com is provided by the 256-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. Thanks to the SSL protocol, which is an industry standard in systems that are conducted electronically and where a secure flow of information is required, your credit card information that you enter while shopping is encrypted independently of iraq.zendiamond.com and is securely transmitted to the bank's virtual POS system to which it is provided. In addition, SSL also proves that you are not on a fake version of the site you want to be on, but that you are on the right site. You can check your SSL certificate by double-clicking the padlock icon at the bottom of the page where you enter your credit card information and the internet address changes from http to https. For more detailed information about the SSL protocol, you can visit www.ssl.com.

On the first purchase using a given credit card, in order to ensure the additional security of the transaction that has obtained authorization approval from the bank's virtual POS system, the fraud protection department of the bank is contacted, and a written confirmation using the credit card is actually used by the named cardholder . When necessary, the bank or iraq.zendiamond.com officials may contact the credit card holder and request confirmation of the order. This practice is a standard required by the banking industry for a healthier shopping experience.